Registration for this event has now closed.
Among the activities at this free event girls will code real robots and have the opportunity to work with AI. They'll also receive a special edition Google Digital Discovery badge, and hear about what it’s like to work in tech.
Places will be allocated by ballot and are limited to a maximum of 10 Guides and 2 leaders per unit.
Key Information
How does the ballot work?
The form link will be open from midday Thursday 25 January to the end of Sunday 28 January. Once the closing date has passed, places will be allocated by ballot. Those groups who have been successful in the ballot will be contacted within a week, but we won’t be contacting unsuccessful groups. Do keep an eye on your inbox though as we may contact you if spaces become available later on.
Please note that registration is limited to a maximum of 10 Guides and 2 leaders per group. Groups can be made up of a single unit or a combination of units. If you need more leaders to meet the needs of your group, please get in touch.
Timings for the day:
10am (registration) to 4:20pm
How to get there:
Nearest station is King's Cross St Pancras (5 min walk)
We endeavour to make this event accessible to all. We will ask for details of any access needs after the ballot selection, but if you have any questions or concerns do contact us at
How much does it cost?
This event is free to attend, but attendees will need to bring a packed lunch and cover the cost of travel to and from the venue. If your unit needs help with the cost of travel for this event, you can apply for a grant from Girlguiding London and South East England. You will be asked how much you need and why. Depending on the number of applications we receive, we may need to turn some people down or give smaller grants.
Do leaders need to attend?
Leaders are required to attend with their group please. Leaders will stay with girls the whole day, throughout all the activities and lunch. Everyone will be able to join in with the activities, which will be led by Google staff. Usual ratios apply.
Food and drink:
Everyone will need to bring a packed lunch and water bottle for the day. Please let us know of any severe allergies when confirming your place (after the ballot).
What activities will girls be doing?
The programme of activities will include the opportunity to code real robots and to work with AI. Girls will also hear about what it’s like to work in tech. Everyone will get a special edition Google Digital Discovery badge.
First aid:
First aid provision will be the responsibility of the group leaders throughout the event. Please ensure you have sufficient first aid provisions for the duration of the event and travel (if applicable) and for any specific health needs for individuals in your group.
Risk assessments:
Groups will be responsible for risk assessing travel (if applicable) and pastoral care during the event. The event and venue will be risk assessed by Google and Girlguiding LaSER.
Will we get a badge?!
Yes, everyone will get a special edition Google Digital Discovery badge
What forms will we need to complete?
If successful, we will ask you and parents/carers to complete Google's consent forms, to be shared with Girlguiding UK and Google. We will send further details about these forms in the joining instructions.
You will need to collect information and consent forms for your young members, as you do with any other event away from the meeting place, but you do not need to share these with us. However, please do inform us of any additional needs, severe allergies, or anything else we should need to be aware of.
Want to know what it’s like to attend a Google Takeover day?
Read about what the 1st Newhaven Brownie unit got up to when they took part.
Any other questions:
For any other concerns please contact