Girlguiding London and South East England welcomes existing peer educators to train in Safe the World. Safe the World is the newest Peer Education resource and tackles the topic of safety by looking at how everyone experiences safety differently, how we can spot and deal with unsafe behaviours and how we can empower everyone to become upstanders and campaign for a safer world for all. It’s all about helping young people to thrive in today’s world! During the training day you will be equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to start delivering this impactful resource in your county.
To attend this training event you must have previously attended a Peer Education Basic Training weekend AND delivered at least four Peer Education sessions (and have applied for/received your Bronze Peer Education badge). Your eligibility for the training will be checked with your country/region before we confirm your place.
What should I expect?
The event will run much like a standard topic training day, except it will be online. Due to this we require each Peer Educator to have access to Zoom and a working camera and microphone and expect these to be switched on throughout the training. You will be expected to take an active part in all the activities as well as giving and receiving feedback to demonstrate that you have the skills and knowledge of the resource necessary to deliver sessions in your local area. You’ll also get to deliver a Safe the World activity to the rest of the group. The Safe the World resource book will be posted to the address on your Go record following confirmation from the trainers of your attendance.
The details
Who: Peer Educators aged 14-25 who have delivered four sessions (bronze badge)
When: 9.30am – 1.30pm Sunday 6 April
Where: Zoom
Cost: None
What do I need to do to attend?
- Sign up to attend Topic Training using this form and your place will be confirmed via email once we have confirmed your eligibility.
- If you are under 18, a parent/carer will need to fill out and return an online meeting consent form. The form will be sent to the emails you submit in the application form and must be returned to by 5pm 31 March 2025 for you to be sent the joining instructions and meeting link.
- Places on topic training days are limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, after which a waiting list will be operated. Registration closes 5pm Monday 31 March 2025, or before if event capacity is reached.
- If Peer Educators find they can no longer attend the training event, it is their responsibility to inform Girlguiding London and South East England via email to at least 72 hours before the start of the event so that the place can be allocated to another Peer Educator. Non-attendance on the day without prior communication may affect your invitation to future online trainings.
Pre-Training Requirements
There are some pre-training requirements which must be completed at least one week before the training day:
- Ensure that your A Safe Space Levels 1 & 2 OR Safer Guiding OR A Safe Space for 14-17 year olds hasn’t expired. If it does, you will need to complete the training again. You can access this on the Learning Platform but if you have difficulties logging in do ask your unit leader or commissioner for help.
- Watch the Safe the World video and complete the online quiz.
If you have any questions or queries, please email If your query is about booking or online consent forms please contact Jane Harvey via (copying in an adult if you are under 18).