Growing Up Wild

Growing Up Wild badges are back, with a refreshed design and new activity ideas. Our paw prints encourage girls to connect with nature and engage with the great outdoors by exploring, investigating and having fun in different environments.

We're busy reviewing and refreshing the popular Growing Up Wild paw prints. This means that some badges will have a refreshed look with brand-new activity packs for you to enjoy. It also means that we'll be saying goodbye to some of the older badges once they are out of stock. Find all currently available Paw Prints here and keep an eye out for relaunched badges over the coming months.

Our paw prints

Guw Autumn
In the Autumn
GUW Bushcraft Badge
With Bushcraft
Pack coming soon
In the Summer
Guw Spring
In the Spring
With the RSPB
Guw Woods
In the Woods
Seashore Badge V2
At the Seashore
GUW Insects and Minibeasts Badge
With Insects and Minibeasts
Pack coming soon
Guw Winter
In the Winter


Take your pick from the suggested activities in each pack. You can do one, some or all of the suggestions, or even come up with your own ideas. Feel free to adapt the ideas to suit the needs of your unit, and make links to the Girlguiding programme as you see fit.

Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers and adults. All Girlguiding members are welcome to take part in Growing Up Wild.

Yes, we are currently working on new Growing Up Wild themes. Keep an eye on region channels for news about new or refreshed paw prints.

Guw 2024 Flat 2000Px

Order your badges

Badges cost £1 plus postage and are available to order on our online shop.

Online shop

Share your story

We can't wait to hear how you take part. Make sure to tag us on social media:

Facebook @LaSERGirlguiding
Instagram @GirlguidingLaSER
X @Guiding_LaSER

And use #LaSERGrowingUpWild

Or submit a story for Spotlight, our e-newsletter.

Tell us what you think

We'd love to hear what you think about our Growing Up Wild resources. Please leave your feedback here.

Staying safe

We want everyone taking part in Growing Up Wild to have a fun and safe experience. Make sure you are taking the correct steps to ensure a safe environment for yourself and others.

Thank you

Thank you to our team of Queen's Guides who contributed to our Growing Up Wild resources. If you are working towards your Queen's Guide award, click here to register interest in future opportunities.

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