Meet our peer educators
Peer educators are 14-25-year-olds who help Brownies, Guides and Rangers explore important topics. We have 67 inspiring peer educators in Girlguiding London and South East England, meet some of them below!

Hi, my name is Lily and I am one of Kent’s newly qualified Peer Educators! I joined Girlguiding as a volunteer at my local Brownie Unit in 2021 for my Duke of Edinburgh Award. After finishing my DofE volunteering I decided to start working on my Young Leadership Qualification, which I have nearly finished now, and I joined my local Ranger unit. When I heard about the opportunity to become a Peer Educator I immediately signed up as I really enjoy working with girls in all sections. I love that Peer Education allows me to teach girls about real issues, leaving a positive effect with all girls and I love spreading my enthusiasm about Girlguiding!

Hi, my name is Beth and I started Girlguiding when I was six years old and it’s not just my age and height that have grown - my confidence, social skills and communication have all been supported through Girlguiding over the years. I have made friendships that I hope I will keep for life and learnt invaluable skills from camping to communication skills and everything in between! I am currently a young leader and newly qualified peer educator. I genuinely didn’t think much of the peer education program at first - I just thought it would be a great experience for a weekend away and to meet new people. However, I have learnt so much more. It has solidified my interest in studying Psychology at Uni and I have learnt skills that I now use day in, day out - concepts and ideas that I would never have come across before. These skills will be used throughout my future life, not to mention the knowledge and experience future employers are interested in. This is an opportunity that I am so glad I took up, and I am excited to continue to educate younger girls and develop my skills further!
Becoming a peer educator is about changing the world – one girl at a time! Find out more and register your interest.