"The two things I am most passionate about are magic and nature. I want to inspire more girls to love both as much as I do, and show them that young women can be successful even in a male dominated field!"
Megan Swann
Megan is a magician and environmentalist, passionate about inspiring girls to love both magic and nature!

Facts about Megan:
- In 2021, she became the first woman and youngest ever person to be elected as President of The Magic Circle, the world’s most prestigious magic society.
- She also has a degree in wildlife conservation, and combines this knowledge with magic in her unique environmental magic show, inspiring everyone to save the planet.
You can follow Megan on Twitter @MeganSwannMagic.

Earn your I'm a Magical Person badge!
Want to earn your I'm a Magical Person badge? Spend a night having a go at the activities in this pack. Everyone should complete the magician’s oath, learn and perform a trick and complete at least one other activity. Some activities are aimed at Rainbows and Brownies, while others are more for Guides and Rangers.
Download the pack Order your badgesInvite Megan to your event
Megan's magic works best at larger events, so she would prefer to be invited to these.