24th Ilford (St Cedds) Brownies had a great virtual evening with Microsoft this term. As a unit we chose the ‘code your own video game’ session, beating out the ‘boost your literacy skills’ session by one vote! The leaders were a bit hesitant as the session was aimed at children age 8 and upwards, but there was no need to worry. The team from Microsoft were great and the process was easy. The girls needed a device to connect with and access to the internet. After we were all logged on to the session, two facilitators introduced themselves to the girls, who quickly found the ‘chat’ busied themselves chatting away to the facilitators and each other. The leaders monitored the chat and were able to stop those who were being over-enthusiastic with their answers, and encourage those who were being kind about someone else.
Each of the girls designed and created a simple individual game with sounds, moving objects, and different backgrounds. The facilitators were on hand to help, and they empowered the girls to fix their own games to make things work the way they wanted them to! Every game was different, and the girls now have their own games to play at home and share with their families and friends. Here’s what some of the Brownies said about the evening: