April 2019 blogging memo

Welcome to your latest blogging memo.

The Hive, our digital offering for Rangers and 18-30 year old members is still going strong, and the group have produced some really great blog posts for the LaSER website. They are always looking for more members in that age range to get involved in creating posts and writing content, or even just getting in touch to let the group know about a topic they're interested in. If you know a 14-30 year old member who might be interested in getting involved, please do point them in the direction of the Hive page on the LaSER website: https://www.girlguidinglaser.org.uk/the-hive.

What do we need from you?

If you have an idea for a blog post, we want to hear from you. We know that units will be well into their planning for the term ahead now, so get thinking about what you've got coming up that could make a great blog post!

This year we're going to be focusing on the new programme, and how units have started working on it themselves. We'd love to hear from you about how you've been carrying out the new activities in your units. Have any of your members completed any new badges yet?

Another element we're looking at over the next few months are all the ways people can volunteer with guiding. We'll be putting together a blog post about flexible volunteering opportunities, highlighting that people don't need to be able to make a regular commitment to be able to be part of guiding. If you volunteer on a flexible basis, or know anyone who does, please do get in touch with us.

We always want to cover everything that guiding has to offer, so whatever you're doing or wherever you're going - we want to hear from you!

What have we been blogging about?

Over the last few weeks we've had some great blogs posted.

  • The Hive have written about their woman of the month, Marie Curie; Tamar has written about her experience of taking part in the Youth Strike 4 Climate in London; and Izzy has written about her experience of being a teenage veggie in a house full of meat-eaters!
  • Girlguiding LaSER volunteer and WAGGGS Advocacy Champion, Rachael, has written about her journey to the United Nations Commission in New York (what a great opportunity!).
  • Worthing Cissbury Division Rangers wrote about their Breakaway to Belgium trip.
  • 3rd Sidcup Guides wrote about their trip to visit New Scotland Yard for the launch of our new partnership with the Met Police.
  • Sue Corrance has written about her experience volunteering at the Commonwealth Service that took place on 11 March.

You can read these blog posts on the news page on the LaSER website.

What's next?

Our blog posts cover a variety of topics ranging from what our members are getting up to in meetings, Girlguiding initiatives and opportunities, and important issues.

Blog themes and up-and-coming ideas include:

New programme experiences - as above, please let us know if you have any thoughts on this.

Flexible volunteering - as above, please let us know if you have any experiences of this.

We know a few units have undertaken some fundraising over the last few weeks - why not write a blog post about what you've been up to?

This year we're looking at ways to shout about the great work each of our units are doing, by focusing on a different unit each month. We'll be back soon with details about how to apply to have your unit appear in a blog post, but if you like the sound of this and would like to have your unit featured please do let us know. This could be a great way to link up with our posts on the new programme.

If you've got any other ideas for a blog, or if you already have something drafted, please drop us a line.

Similarly, if you know of anyone else guiding in LaSER who you think would like to be involved in blogging then please do send them our details!

Login here to blog: https://www.girlguidinglaser.org.uk/admin/login

Click here for a ‘How to blog guide’.

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