How to stay productive and motivated

Written by Lois Hilton

Hi! I hope you're all safe.

In this hard time, as we enter into another lockdown, it can be difficult to stay productive and full of energy . Here are five top tips to keep you motivated to do well and stay productive.

1. Create a to do list

I say this a lot, but lists are beneficial. Whether it's just a short list of what you need to do, or a long page one, it doesn't matter as long as you know what you want to get done. Personally, I think it is more beneficial to do one daily just to make sure that you know exactly the outcome of the day. I do mine the night before, because I remember everything , but you can do yours wherever you feel most motivated to.

2. Set goals

Looking forward to the future is also a helpful thing to do. Goals help you see the end point and benefit of what you're doing. Long term or short term, big or small, goals are always a benefit. They may be small, like reading at least a chapter or exercising daily, or they may be big, like no social media or exercising (depending on your fitness level ). Either way, these are a great thing to put with your to do list. They also help you to stay satisfied .

3. Schedule out your day ⏳

Sometimes the days feel tiring and boring, and a schedule won't get rid of this immediately. Doing a schedule helps you outline times with tasks and goals you want to complete. It also helps you to have allocated free time, making sure that you are getting the benefit of relaxing and working.

4. Have a playlist (or a few)

When working, you might want to choose a playlist. I don't recommend this when doing either study or college work, but when you're cleaning up the house or exercising. Listening to songs you love can help your mind to relax and give you enjoyment as well. You may be like me, and love loads of different genres in different moods (probably sounds weird ), so you may want a couple on the go.

5. Set aside time for things that make you happy

Even though the days are long and boring, sometimes you can get so wrapped up in what you're doing that you forget to have some ‘me’ time. Make sure that when you are either having a break or finished for the day, you have some time to do what you love. It also helps you work towards it in the day.

I hope you like my top tips! It's always good to stay motivated in these times, because we will come out of this!

I'll see you soon, but until then, stay safe.

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