Volunteers’ Week 2023: Laurel awards for Helen and Marion

It’s Volunteers’ Week, a time to recognise and thank our volunteers.

One special way we can do this is through Girlguiding awards, such as the Laurel award. This award celebrates exceptional service to Girlguiding and is the second-highest honour available for members at a national level, with relatively few awarded each year.

We are therefore very excited to share that we have two Laurel award winners in the region: Helen Beecher Bryant and Marion Chase!

Read on to find out more about Marion and Helen and their outstanding contributions to guiding.

Helen Beecher Bryant, Greater London Kent county

With over 20 years’ service, Helen is an active and dedicated leader of all sections, showing girls that they can do anything though support and inclusivity. As both a leader and as county international adviser, she has been involved in numerous international events, giving many girls and leaders the opportunity to travel in Europe, south Asia, and Africa.

Helen is known as a lively and enthusiastic trainer, helping to support fellow leaders to step outside their comfort zone. She is also passionate about advocacy, having set up the London and South East England Champions programme for members 16-26.

“With a very wide range of interests within Girlguiding, Helen promotes many aspects of the programme with enthusiasm and originality. She is recognised for her strengths in championing advocacy for younger members, international opportunities and training for leaders. This has a benefit at all levels. All this and a very strong local input ensure that Helen Beecher Bryant is a very worthy recipient of a Laurel Award.”

— Girlguiding awards committee

Helen received her award at the Horizons commissioners’ conference in May.

Marion Chase, Kent Weald county

Marion has been a volunteer with Girlguiding for over 40 years, starting as a young leader in Croydon. Since then, she has held many roles, and is currently the leader of 1st Matfield Rainbow and Brownie unit. 'Exciting, adventurous, patient, encouraging, passionate and knowledgeable’ are all words used by Brownies, parents and other leaders to describe Marion.

Marion has also made a significant impact on her fellow volunteers at division, county and region levels alike, particularly as a trainer and music adviser. Her enthusiasm leaves others feeling inspired and refreshed.

“At the heart of Marion Chase’s guiding life are ‘her girls’ and whilst Marion has had many much more extensive roles in county and region, the members of her unit and their parents recognise her caring, sharing and fun attitude. Her wider impact at large scale events and through her musical input has been recognised by fellow leaders. Marion Chase is fully deserving of a Laurel Award.”

— Girlguiding awards committee

Marion’s award was announced at the Horizons commissioner conference and will be awarded at a county event in July.

Do you know a volunteer who you think should be recognised with an award? Visit our awards page to find out about the awards available, the nomination process, and other ways we thank and recognise volunteers for their contribution to Girlguiding.

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