Swift games and crafts

Start your meeting with some fun Swift-related games and crafts.

Swift games

Take each letter of the word "Swift" and see how many creatures you can think of that start with that letter (e.g. S – swan, snake, seahorse, sheep). To make it harder you can limit the categories (i.e. only creatures found in the UK) or make it easier by including trees, plants, flowers, etc.

Everyone sits in circle and is given a birds name (e.g. Swift, Swallow, Sparrow, Wren). Allocate names round the circle in the same order and when you call out the birds name everyone with that name should get up and change places with another and sit in their spot. Can also have 1 person in middle who has a name but not a space, so they always try to get a spot; last one is in the middle for the next round.

Very quietly whisper either Kestrel or Swift to each person, they have to keep it a secret what they are. When you say 'fly', the group walks round and when they meet another person, they very quietly say what they are – if a Kestrel meets a Swift the Swift is out as they are eaten! If 2 Swifts meet, they carry on flying (walking). If 2 Kestrels meet, they carry on flying. Eventually, there will only be Kestrels left. You can play this using other predators (e.g. Hobbies, Falcon) or use insects that Swifts eat (e.g. Swifts and Hoverflies or mosquitoes).

(a version of Duck, Duck, Goose) The group sits in a circle, one person walks around the outside of the circle and as they pass each person point to them and say Swallow, Swallow, etc. If they point to someone and say Swift they start to run and that person jumps up and runs in opposite direction around the circle trying to get back to the seat space first. Last one starts to go round the circle saying Swallow, Swallow etc.

Swifts fly from sub–Saharan Africa each summer then migrate back there. In pairs (or in the group) see how many countries you can think of that they will fly over on their journey. Check to see if you are right by looking at a world map at the end of the game.

Swift crafts

Download the template and print on card.

Download the template and print double-sided on card.

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