Our activity packs
Sustainability Challenge
The Sustainability Challenge Badge is designed with Guides, Rangers and Inspire in mind. It includes plenty of activities about sustainability and we hope it encourages you to make changes that can make a huge impact, even if they only seem small!
Badge-spirations aims to inspire girls to complete their interest badges. We've put together newsletters featuring tips from us and ideas straight from the badge books.
Take 10
Take 10 encourages girls and young women to “take ten” to promote positive well-being and help deal with stress and anxiety. There's a pack for every section - download them here!
Take Action for Nature
Take Action for Nature is a resource produced in partnership with the RSPB. It combines hands on activities and those that encourage girls to become advocates for UK wildlife and earn the title Champion for Nature.
Keep Safe
Published in 2016, Keep Safe is an age-appropriate, adaptable and relevant resource to help your Rainbows and Brownies find out how to stay safe while using the internet and devices with online access.
Parliament Week
We’ve taken part in Parliament Week since 2016. This year we created activities for the pack to encourage girls and young women in Girlguiding LaSER to think about what democracy means to them.